Woman with a Bed Warmer - Femme à la bassinoire - Size #1 / Cricket

Woman with a Bed Warmer - Femme à la bassinoire

Among those creche figures stemming from the old Creche-Parlante (itinerant/travelling, puppet-shows, also known as the "speaking creche") and in Antoine Maurel's Pastorale is the Woman with a Bed Warmer. The warming pan, or "heated bed," was used throughout the European countryside until the 1950s. Commonly made of copper (a good conductor of heat), the warming pan was filled with embers from the fireplace, stove, or cooker, and placed between the bed covers - this had to be done carefully, as to leave the pan in the bed for too long could set fire to the bedding.

Size #1 / Cricket (the 1-5/8 inch - 4 cm size)

Made in France

Santons Marcel Carbonel
Since 1935
The Premier Santons Workshop
Marseille, France
Item No. 1C24

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