Leapfrog / Saute-Mouton New 2022 Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel Since 1935 The Premier...
Girl with Cat / Petite fille au chat New 2022 Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7 cm size) Made in France __________...
Blind Man and His Son - Aveugle et son Fils In rural Provence the blind man became a symbol of humility and patience. He walks with...
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Chicoulet - Chicoulet Chicoulet is the son of the Blind Man. Chicoulet's father, the Blind Man, and brother, Simoun, go to the stable to celebrate...
Gypsy - Bohemienne - Gypsy Woman with Child The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to...
Kneeling Shepherd - Berger à genoux It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then played...
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Mitron, the Bakers Apprentice - Mitron (enfant boulanger) Mitron, the baker's apprentice, carries a gift of a bag of bread as he walks from the...
Mother and Daughter from Bastidane - Couple de Bastidanes (Mere et Fille) Here walking hand-in-hand with her daughter, the well-to-do Bastidane Woman is of the...
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Pair of Children - Couple d'Enfants - Dous Pitchoun The Pair of Children, walking hand-in-hand, are amongst the children who are a traditional part of the...
Victorine - young girl with her Doll - Victorine (petite fille à la poupee) New 2006 Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7...
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Woman with a Baby - Femme au bebé - la Femo a l'enfant The Woman with a Baby, a wet nurse, comes to the Manger...