$25.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Bee Keeper / Apiculteur "He is the one who raises the bees and who knows the science. His work is to understand the government of bee...
Lemon Merchant - Marchande de citrons New 2023 Size #1 / Cricket (the 1-5/8 inch - 4 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel Since 1935 The...
Milliner / Hat Maker / la Chapelière New 2021 Size #1 / Cricket (the 1-5/8 inch - 4 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel Since...
$27.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Stone Mason / Tailleur de pierre New 2019 Size #1 / Cricket (the 1-5/8 inch - 4 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel Since 1935...
$27.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
The Olive Gatherer - La Ceuilleuse d'olives The Olive Gatherer is more than elegant, wearing a wide-brimmed black hat to shade herself from the sun over...
The Quilting Woman - Femme au boutis New 2015 Provencal Quilting, also known as boutis, is an exceedingly special form of stuffed quilting that uses...
Ribbon Merchant - Woman Selling Ribbons - Femme aux rubans This tradeswoman sells her treasured ribbons on the street and in the local markets. New 2013...
Donkey with bundles of sticks - Ane charge de fagots Donkey with Bundles of Sticks on either side. The Âne de Provence, is a breed...
$37.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Chestnut merchant - Marchande de marrons This street vendor, roasts and sells his chestnuts all over France - from Paris to the smaller towns and...
Seated Fisherman - Pecheur assis. New 2005 The Fisherman is number 16 on the list of the top 20 Essential Santons for a Provençal Creche . He is...
Cypress Tree / Cyprès - 5 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Cypress tree grows to 50-80 feet - hoping this may help...
$33.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Cypress Tree / Cyprès - 7 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Cypress tree grows to 50-80 feet - hoping this may help you as...
Chestnut Tree / Chataignier - 7-1/4 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Chestnut tree grows to 40-80 feet - hoping this may help...
Lemon Tree / Citronnier - 4-3/4 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Lemon tree grows to 20 feet - hoping this may help you as you consider...
Olive Tree / Olivier - 3.75" inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Olive tree grows to 25-30 feet - hoping this may help you as you consider adding...
Olive Tree / Olivier - 5-1/2 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Olive tree grows to 25-30 feet - hoping this may help...
Orange Tree / Oranger - 3-1/2 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Orange tree grows to 18-22 feet - hoping this may help you as you consider adding...
$35.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Maritime Pine / Pin Maritime - 6 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Maritime Pine tree grows to 100 feet - hoping this may help you as you...
Umbrella Pine / Pin Parasol - 6 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Maritime Pine tree grows to 100 feet - hoping this may help you as you consider adding...
Plane Tree / Platane - 6 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Plane tree grows to 100 feet - hoping this may help you as you consider adding...
$9.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Bee Keepers Hive Traditional / La ruche de l'apiculteur Hives were historically made in different models. Some were built with chestnut planks, others were made from a...