Blind Man and His Son - Aveugle et son Fils In rural Provence the blind man became a symbol of humility and patience. He walks with...
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Couple on a bench - Couple sur le banc The Old Couple - the plump, elderly man and woman sit on a bench wearing their...
Couple under Umbrella - Couple Sous le Parapluie - Souto lou paro-pluejo The Couple under the Umbrella represent middle-class prosperity. He is dressed in his...
Cypress Tree / Cyprès - 8-1/4 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Cypress tree grows to 50-80 feet - hoping this may help you as...
Man with a Bundle of Sticks - Homme au fagots The Man with a Bundle of Sticks (Homme au fagots - French; Woodcutter, Lou Bouscatie...
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Man with a Sheep - Homme au mouton It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd...
Man with a Turkey - Homme à la dinde - Ome eme la dindo The Man with a Turkey is renown for his jovial ways...
Octopus Fisherman - Pécheur au poulpe The Fisherman is number 16 on the list of the top 20 Essential Santons for a Provençal Creche . He is a...
Old Shepherd - Berger vieux It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then played the...
Old woman from Arles - Vielle arlésienne The old woman, dressed in the traditional 19th century costume of the Arles region, wears black and white, with...
Rural Policeman - Garde champêtre - Gardi The village policeman announces the news (a town crier) and keeps the people informed of the laws of the land. He...
Berger from Arles - Berger d'Arles It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then played...
The Mayor - Monsieur le Maire - Moussu lou Conse The Mayor is the head of the village council. He is the only leading citizen joining...
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The Old Couple - Couple de Vieux. The Old Couple, the plump, elderly man and woman, walk slowly and with tenderness, arm-in-arm, to the crib....
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Tramp - Vagabond - Lou Patiarie A beggar, the tramp roams from village to village, helping himself along the way with a "cane" crafted from stick. He...
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Woman with a Bundle of Sticks - Femme au fagots The Woman with a Bundle of Sticks – Femme au fagots (French) – La Vieio...
Woman with a Foot Warmer - Femme à la chaufferette - Fremo eme l'escaufeto The Woman with a Foot Warmer is one of the characters cherished for...
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Women with Aioli (garlic mayonnaise) - Femme à l'aioli - Fremo eme l'aioli This charming old woman sits on a small stone bench preparing the garlicky mayonnaise,...
Woman with Cabbage and Garlic - Femme au chou et a l'ail The Woman with Cabbage and Garlic – Femme au chou et a l’ail...