Old Shepherd - Berger vieux It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then played the...
Man with a Sheep - Homme au mouton It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd...
Young Shepherd - Berger appuyé jeune It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then played...
Kneeling Shepherd - Berger à genoux It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then played...
Man in Awe - Homme Ravi. "The Delighted One." The Man in Awe, also referred to as the delighted one, the blissful one, awestricken, enraptured,...
Woman in Awe - Femme ravie - "The Delighted One" The Man in Awe (often represented in a creche scene together with the Woman in Awe or...
Blind Man and His Son - Aveugle et son Fils In rural Provence the blind man became a symbol of humility and patience. He walks with...
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Chicoulet - Chicoulet Chicoulet is the son of the Blind Man. Chicoulet's father, the Blind Man, and brother, Simoun, go to the stable to celebrate...
Highwayman/Thief - Brigand The thief, or highwayman, is a robber of the "high roads." He wears the costume of an actor portraying the part of...
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The Old Couple - Couple de Vieux. The Old Couple, the plump, elderly man and woman, walk slowly and with tenderness, arm-in-arm, to the crib....
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Couple on a Bench - Couple sur le banc The Old Couple - the plump, elderly man and woman sit on a bench wearing their...
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Knife grinder - Remouleur He travels the roads selling his services, dipping into villages on his way. From village to village he enjoys taking with...
Miller - Meunier The Miller always wears his white cotton cap (a symbol of his trade). Known for his laziness and by the name Langesse,...
Man on a donkey - Homme sur l'âne The miller riding on his donkey with a sack of flour. The Miller always wears his white...
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Man with a Lantern - Night Watchman - Homme à la lanterne - Roustido He is late to hear the shepherds call. One of the...
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Woman on a Donkey - Femme sur l'âne - Margarido Stemming from the early Christmas play, the Pastorale of Antoine Maurel, Margarido and her husband, Mr. Jourdan,...
Gypsy - Bohemienne - Gypsy Woman with Child The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to...
Gypsy with Bear - Gitan à l'ours The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to make...
Gypsy - Gitane She comes with either a red skirt (pictured) or a black one. The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy...
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Gypsy with Guitar - Gitan à la guitare The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to...
Pistachie - Pistachié He wears a cotton cap and has evidently dressed rather quickly as his trousers are held up by a single strap of...
Bartholomew - Bartoumieu The village innkeeper with a tendency to get a little too tipsy from time to time. He is one of the most...
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Mr. Jourdan - Monsieur Jourdan Stemming from the early Christmas play, the Pastorale of Antoine Maurel, Mr. Jourdan and his wife Margarido are symbols of the...
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Man with a drum - Tambourinaire The drummer is distinguished and colorful in his band "uniform." Carbonel has him dressed in a grey, wide-brimmed hat,...
Woman with a Drum - Femme tambourinaire New 2001 The woman with the drum, like the man with the drum, is a popular figure in...
Fishwife - Poissonnière Colorfully dressed, she has a portable scale (copper steelyard) fastened to her belt and with a proud humility commonly brings a bountiful gift...
Hunter - Chasseur The hunter is renowned for his countless tall tales. He holds a gun in one hand and a rabbit in the other....
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Angler - Pêcheur à la ligne The Fisherman is number 16 on the list of the top 20 Essential Santons for a Provençal Creche . He is a...
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Fisherman with Net - Pêcheur au filet The Fisherman is number 16 on the list of the top 20 Essential Santons for a Provençal Creche . He is...
Octopus Fisherman - Pécheur au poulpe New 2014 The Fisherman is number 16 on the list of the top 20 Essential Santons for a Provençal Creche . He...
Seated Fisherman - Pêcheur Assis The Fisherman is number 16 on the list of the top 20 Essential Santons for a Provençal Creche . He is a pivotal...
Woman Spinning Wool - Fileuse The Woman Spinning Wool - La Fileuse (French) – La Fielarello (Provençaux) on her distaff is number 17 on the list of the...
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Woman at her Spinning Wheel - Fileuse au Rouet The Woman Spinning Wool - La Fileuse (French) – La Fielarello (Provençaux) is number 17 on the list of...
Woman with a Bundle of Sticks - Femme au fagots The Woman with a Bundle of Sticks – Femme au fagots (French) – La Vieio...
Man with a Bundle of Sticks - Homme au fagots His trousers patched, a small bundle in his hand often accompanies The Woman with a Bundle...
Woman with Cabbage and Garlic - Femme au chou et a l'ail The Woman with Cabbage and Garlic – Femme au chou et a l’ail...
Shepherdess -Bergère à la Cape The Angel first announced the birth of the Saviour to the Shepherds. The Shepherds were the first to reach the manger,...
Lumberjack / Woodcutter / Bûcheron The axe by his side and a log on his shoulder, the woodcutter brings to the nativity wood for the fire....