Monk - Moine - Moueine The Monk belongs to an established Christian order. Merry and kind, he is a more popular character than the Parish...
Parish Priest - Monsieur le cure - Lou Curat - Wiping His Brow It may seem surprising to some that the Parish Priest is present in the...
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Parish Priest - Monsieur le cure - Lou Curat It may seem surprising to some that the Parish Priest is present in the creche, in that he...
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Praying Man - Prieur - Pregaire The Praying Man has taken off his wide-brimmed hat and set the basket of fruit that he has gathered...
Praying Woman - Prieuse - Pregueiris The Praying Woman has set the fougasse (a traditional flat, round cake pierced with irregular holes and made with flour,...
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St. Francis of Assisi - Saint-Francois d'Assisé Saint Francis of Assisi is considered to be the Father of the Nativity Scene. Saint Francis of Assisi is...