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Lemon Merchant - Marchande de citrons Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1 inch - 2.5 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel...
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Baker - Boulanger The baker, a happy soul, with his linen pants, spotless apron, and cotton cap, carries a gift of a basket of the...
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Bartholomew - Bartoumieu The village innkeeper with a tendency to get a little too tipsy from time to time. He is one of the most...
Flower Seller - Bouquetiêre The flower seller brings a basket of flowers on one arm and a posy in her other hand. She wears a...
Gypsy - Bohemienne - Gypsy Woman with Child The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to...
Gypsy - Gitane New 2003 The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to make a living. ...
Gypsy with Bear - Gitan à l'ours The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to make...
Highwayman/Thief - Brigand The thief, or highwayman, is a robber of the "high roads." He wears the costume of an actor portraying the part of...
Hunter - Chasseur The hunter is renowned for his countless tall tales. He holds a gun in one hand and a rabbit in the other....
Knife grinder - Remouleur He travels the roads selling his services, dipping into villages on his way. From village to village he enjoys taking with...
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Monk - Moine - Moueine The Monk belongs to an established Christian order. Merry and kind, he is a more popular character than the Parish...
Mr. Jourdan - Monsieur Jourdan Stemming from the early Christmas play, the Pastorale of Antoine Maurel, Mr. Jourdan and his wife Margarido are symbols of the...
Woman with Snails - Femme aux limaçons - Marchando de limacoun The snail merchant, the Woman with Snails, brings to the creche her earthenware pot of limacons...
Young Shepherd - Berger appuyé jeune It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then played...