Lemon Merchant - Marchande de citrons New 2023 Size #1 / Cricket (the 1-5/8 inch - 4 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel Since 1935 The...
Milliner / Hat Maker / la Chapelière New 2021 Size #1 / Cricket (the 1-5/8 inch - 4 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel Since...
Comtadine (from the Comte d'Avignon) with Fruit - Comtadine aux fruits - Coumtadino A native of Comtat Venaissin (an area near Avignon), the Comtadine with...
Corsican Woman with Bucket - Corse au baquet The Corsican Woman with a Bucket in traditional Corsican dress represents the French island of Corsica. Size #1 /...
Dairymaid - Laitiere - La Lachiero The young peasant dairymaid (who held a lower standing socio-economically than the Fishwife) went from house to house selling...
Fishwife - Poissonnière Colorfully dressed, she has a portable scale (copper steelyard) fastened to her belt and with a proud humility commonly brings a bountiful gift...
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Flower Seller - Bouquetière The flower seller brings a basket of flowers on one arm and a posy in her other hand. She wears a...
Gypsy - Bohemienne - Gypsy Woman with Child The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to...
Gypsy - Gitane The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to make a living. They are...
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Mireille with a jug - Mireille a la cruche Mireille with her jug is dressed in the traditional dress of Arles. In the early 19th...
Old Woman from Arles - Vielle Arlesienne The old woman, dressed in the traditional 19th century costume of the Arles region, wears black and white, with...
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Praying Woman - Prieuse - Pregueiris The Praying Woman has set the basket of fruit and fougasse that she has gathered as a gift for the Infant...
The Quilting Woman - Femme au boutis New 2015 Provencal Quilting, also known as boutis, is an exceedingly special form of stuffed quilting that uses...
Ribbon Merchant - Woman Selling Ribbons - Femme aux rubans This tradeswoman sells her treasured ribbons on the street and in the local markets. New 2013...
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Washerwoman / Laveuse / Bugadière - La Bugadiero Washing her linen at the side of the river, the washerwoman wears a headdress to shade herself from the...
Woman from Arles - Arlesienne The young Woman from Arles is from well-to-do farming stock. Her hair is distinctive, as is the fashion of Arles,...
Woman Knitting - Tricoteuse - La Tricoutarello Sitting on a stone wall and keeping an eye on the barnyard animals as she busily knits, the...
Woman on a donkey - Femme sur l'âne - Margarido Stemming from the early Christmas play, the Pastorale of Antoine Maurel, Margarido and her husband, Mr. Jourdan,...
Woman spinning wool - Fileuse The Woman Spinning Wool - La Fileuse (French) – La Fielarello (Provençaux) on her distaff is number 17 on the list of the...
Woman with a Baby - Femme au bebé - la Femo a l'enfant The Woman with a Baby, a wet nurse, comes to the Manger...
Woman with a Bed Warmer - Femme à la bassinoire Among those creche figures stemming from the old Creche-Parlante (itinerant/travelling, puppet-shows, also known as the "speaking creche") and...
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Woman with a Bundle of Sticks - Femme au fagots The Woman with a Bundle of Sticks – Femme au fagots (French) – La Vieio...
Woman with a Chicken - Femme à la poule - Fremo eme la galino A peasant matron, the Woman with a Chicken offers a black...
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Woman with a Cradle - Femme au berceau - Fremo eme lou bres A midwife (known as Martoune) brings to the baby Jesus a cradle so...
Woman with a Foot Warmer - Femme à la chaufferette - Fremo eme l'escaufeto The Woman with a Foot Warmer is one of the characters cherished for...
Woman with a Goat - Femme a la chèvre - Fremo eme la cabro This peasant woman with her goat is ideally placed near a herd of...
Woman with a Barrel / Keg - Femme au tonnelet - Fremo eme lou touneloun This peasant woman brings a keg of wine and Fougasse (a...
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Woman with a Medieval String Instrument - Homme a la vielle - Vielaire This street musician, the Woman with a Medieval String Instrument (also referred to as a...
Woman with a Pitcher - Femme à la cruche - Fremo eme la douergo A young woman carrying a pitcher / jug of water on her...
Woman with a Pumpkin - Femme à la courge - Fremo eme la cougourdo This peasant woman brings an offering of a large "potiron," or...
Woman with a Rabbit - Femme au lapin - Fremo eme lou lapin The Woman with a Rabbit is a countrywoman and she brings the...
Woman with a Stove - Femme au fourneau - la Femo dou caufet There was a time when the Woman with a Stove was commonly present...
Woman with an Earthenware Jar - Femma à la jarre - Fremo la jarro This peasant woman brings olive oil in her earthenware jar. The...
Woman with an Oil Lamp - Femme au calen - Fremo eme lou calen The old, bent Woman with an Oil Lamp, lights her way...
Woman with cabbage and garlic - Femme au chou et a l'ail The Woman with Cabbage and Garlic – Femme au chou et a l’ail...
Woman with codfish - Femme à la morue The Woman with Codfish sells her wares - with a basket filled with cod on her head, a...
Woman selling cheese - Femme à la brousse - Fremo di brousso A peasant woman brings her basket of cheese and a small copper trumpet...
Woman with Lavender - Femme à la lavande - Fremo eme lalavando The peasant woman, the Woman with Lavender, brings a bouquet of lavender to...
Woman with Snails - Femme aux limaçons - Marchando de limacoun The snail merchant, the Woman with Snails, brings to the creche her earthenware pot of limacons...