Woman from Alsace - Alsacienne The Woman from Alsace is in her traditional costume. "The women’s costume consisted of a large, long-sleeved cotton blouse, a...
Man from Alsace - Alsacien The Man from Alsace is in traditional dress. "The men’s costume consisted of a white- and blue-striped or -checked, long-sleeved cotton...
Woman from Arles - Arlésienne The young Woman from Arles is from well-to-do farming stock. Her hair is distinctive, as is the fashion of Arles,...
Woman from Arles Wearing Cape - Arlésienne à la cape The young Woman from Arles Wearing a Cape is from well-to-do farming stock. Her hair...
Seated Woman from Arles - Arlésienne Assise The young Woman from Arles, sitting on a stone bench, is from well-to-do farming stock. Her hair is...
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Old Woman from Arles on a Bench - Vielle Arlésienne sur le banc The old woman sits on a stone bench, dressed in the traditional...
Old Woman from Arles - Vielle Arlésienne The old woman, dressed in the traditional 19th century costume of the Arles region, wears black and white, with...
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Man from Auvergne - Auvergnat The Man from Auvergne is dressed in traditional costume, including a brightly colored scarf and a wide-brimmed black felt hat....
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Woman from Auvergne - Auvergnate The Woman from Auvergne is dressed in traditional costume, including an embroidered apron and a headdress that varies depending on the region....
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Comtadine (from the Comte d'Avignon) with Fruit - Comtadine aux fruits - Coumtadino A native of Comtat Venaissin (an area near Avignon), the Comtadine with...
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Man from Brittany - Breton Traditional Breton costume is worn today during religious festivals known as pardons. The Man from Brittany is in traditional dress. "Brittany boasts...
Woman from Brittany - Bigoudene Traditional Breton costume is worn today during religious festivals known as pardons. The Woman from Brittany is in traditional dress. "Brittany boasts...
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Couple from Brittany - Couple Bretons The couple from Brittany are in traditional dress. Traditional Breton costume is worn today during religious festivals known as...
Female Dancer from Catalan - Danseuse Catalan The dancers from Catalan dance the traditional dance of Catalonia, the Sardana. "Among the musical traditions, there is...
Male Dancer from Catalan - Danseur Catalan The dancers from Catalan dance the traditional dance of Catalonia, the Sardana. "Among the musical traditions, there is...
Corsican Peasant - Paysan corse The Corsican Peasant, here with his rifle, and in traditional Corsican dress, is one of 3 figures Carbonel has created...
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Corsican Woman with a Pitcher - Corse à la cruche A young Corsican woman carrying a pitcher / jug of water on her head (an ancient...
Corsican Woman with Bucket - Corse au baquet The Corsican Woman with Bucket in traditional Corsican dress, is one of 3 figures Carbonel has created representing...
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Cowherd on Horse - Gardian à cheval - Gardian The Gardian sits proudly on his magnificent white horse - riding along with his bulls, or...
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Male Farandole Dancer - Farandole (Homme) With either a black or yellow vest. It is said that the Farandole Dance was first created to honor the Christ...
Male Farandole Dancer with Hat - Farandole (Homme) With either a black or yellow vest. It is said that the Farandole Dance was first created to honor...
Woman from Arles Farandole Dancer - Farandole (Arles) With a purple, blue, or yellow dress. It is said that the Farandole Dance was first created to...
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Man from Nice - Nicois The Man from Nice in his traditional costume. Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7 cm size) Made in...
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Man from Normandy - Normand The Man from Normany is in traditional costume with his long blue smock, tall blue hat, and red scarf. Size #2 / Elite...
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Woman from Nice - Nicoise The Woman from Nice in her traditional costume. Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7 cm size) Made...
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Woman from Normandy - Normande The Woman from Normandy is in traditional costume, with her distinctive headware. Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7...
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Salt Tax Collector - Paludier The Salt Tax Collector of the Camargue was very important historically in France. They were abolished in 1791, yet from the...
Woman from Pont-Aven (Brittany) - Pont-Aven Traditional Breton costume is worn today during religious festivals known as pardons. The Woman from Pont-Aven (Brittany) is in...
Mother and Daughter from Bastidane - Couple de Bastidanes (Mere et Fille) Here walking hand-in-hand with her daughter, the well-to-do Bastidane Woman is of the...
Young & Old Woman from Arles on a Bench - Jeune et Vielle Arlésiennes Assises The young and Old Women from Arles, sit together on a stone...
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Female Farandole Dancer from Provence - Femme Farandole Provencale It is said that the Farandole Dance was first created to honor the Christ Child, to lead the...