$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Lemon Merchant - Marchande de citrons Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1 inch - 2.5 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel...
Mr. Jourdan - Monsieur Jourdan Stemming from the early Christmas play, the Pastorale of Antoine Maurel, Mr. Jourdan and his wife Margarido are symbols of the...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Fisherman with Line - Pécheur à la ligne The Fisherman is number 16 on the list of the top 20 Essential Santons for a Provençal Creche . He...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Baker - Boulanger The baker, a happy soul, with his linen pants, spotless apron, and cotton cap, carries a gift of a basket of the...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Bartholomew - Bartoumieu The village innkeeper with a tendency to get a little too tipsy from time to time. He is one of the most...
Black King - Black King The Black King is one of the Three Wise Men - High Priests of the Mazdean (Zoroastrian) religion, Referred to...
$37.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Bridge - Pont Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1 inch - 2.5 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel Since 1935 The Premier...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Camel - Chameau - Cameu The Santon camel is a dromedary camel (one-humped) of Arabian origin as opposed to the bactrian camel (two-humped) camel of...
$11.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Cypress Tree - Cyprès sur soucle Cypress trees are one of Provence's symbols. There is a Provence tradition for landlords to plant one cypress tree by their gate...
$8.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Dog - Chien Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1 inch - 2.5 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel Since 1935 The Premier...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Donkey - Donkey The donkey caries Mary, heavy with child, to Egypt. An old folk tale Provencal Gives His Name as Ali. The warmth de...
Flower Seller - Bouquetiêre The flower seller brings a basket of flowers on one arm and a posy in her other hand. She wears a...
$8.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Grazing Sheep - Mouton broutant Led to new pastures by the Shepherds, Sheep are a symbol of innocence. Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1...
Gypsy - Bohemienne - Gypsy Woman with Child The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to...
Gypsy - Gitane New 2003 The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to make a living. ...
Gypsy with Bear - Gitan à l'ours The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to make...
Highwayman/Thief - Brigand The thief, or highwayman, is a robber of the "high roads." He wears the costume of an actor portraying the part of...
Hunter - Chasseur The hunter is renowned for his countless tall tales. He holds a gun in one hand and a rabbit in the other....
Jesus - Jesus - the Jesus child The newborn child lies upon the straw, wrapped in a single piece of cloth. The image of innocence...
Joseph - Saint Joseph - Sant Jouse Joseph, the son of Jacob, a descendant of David, foster-father of Jesus. A modest carpenter, he wears a...
Kneeling King - King kneeling The Kneeling King is one of the Three Wise Men - High Priests of the Mazdean (Zoroastrian) religion, Referred to...
Knife grinder - Remouleur He travels the roads selling his services, dipping into villages on his way. From village to village he enjoys taking with...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Man in Awe - Homme Ravi - "The Delighted One" The Man in Awe, also referred to as the delighted one, the blissful one,...
Man with a Turkey - Homme à la dinde - Ome eme la dindo The Man with a Turkey is renown for his jovial ways...
Mary - Madonna - The Blessed Virgin - Virgin Santo Mary, the mother of Baby Jesus. Mary's role is a dominant one. She is the...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Monk - Moine - Moueine The Monk belongs to an established Christian order. Merry and kind, he is a more popular character than the Parish...
Pistachie - Pistachié He wears a cotton cap and has evidently dressed rather quickly as his trousers are held up by a single strap of...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Praying Man - Prieur - Pregaire The Praying Man has taken off his wide-brimmed hat and set the fougasse that he has brought as a gift for the...
$199.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Provencal Farmhouse - Mas Provencal - Stable Stable and the innkeeper's house combined. The Holy family fits inside. 8-1/2" wide / 5-1/2" deep / 3-3/4" tall Size...
$169.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Stable - Étable Puce Although it says "coming soon" this is a Special Order. Write us an email if you want to place a special...
Stable in Ruins - Étables en Ruines Puce 4-3/4" wide / 2-1/4" deep / 2-1/2" tall Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1 inch -...
Standing Sheep - Mouton debout Led to new pastures by the Shepherds, Sheep are a symbol of innocence. Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1...
$28.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
The Old Couple - Couple de Vieux. The Old Couple, the plump, elderly man and woman, walk slowly and with tenderness, arm-in-arm, to the crib....
$55.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Well - Puits avec margelle The Puits avec margelle is a well with a ledge (margelle) wide enough to rest one's water pitchers and buckets....
White King - ?? White King The White King is one of the Three Wise Men - High Priests of the Mazdean (Zoroastrian) religion, Referred...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Woman from Arles - Arlésienne The young Woman from Arles is from well-to-do farming stock. Her hair is distinctive, as is the fashion of Arles,...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Woman Spinning Wool - Fileuse The Woman Spinning Wool - La Fileuse (French) – La Fielarello (Provençaux) on her distaff is number 17 on the list of the...
Woman with Cabbage and Garlic - Femme au chou et a l'ail The Woman with Cabbage and Garlic – Femme au chou et a l’ail...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Woman with a Bundle of Sticks - Femme au fagots The Woman with a Bundle of Sticks – Femme au fagots (French) – La Vieio...
Woman with a Foot Warmer - Woman heater - Fremo th the escaufeto The Woman With A Foot Warmer is one of the cherished characters...
Woman with Sheep - Femme au mouton It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then...
Woman with Lavender - Femme à la lavande - Fremo eme lalavando The peasant woman, the Woman with Lavender, brings a bouquet of lavender to...
Woman with Snails - Femme aux limaçons - Marchando de limacoun The snail merchant, the Woman with Snails, brings to the creche her earthenware pot of limacons...
Young Shepherd - Berger appuyé jeune It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then played...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Angel - Ange. Robe color is white. The Angel symbolizes God in the eyes of Jesus and announces Christ's birth, first to the Shepherds of Provence. Size Puce...
Cypress Tree / Cyprès - 5 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Cypress tree grows to 50-80 feet - hoping this may help...
Chestnut Tree / Chataignier - 7-1/4 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Chestnut tree grows to 40-80 feet - hoping this may help...
Olive Tree / Olivier - 3.75" inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Olive tree grows to 25-30 feet - hoping this may help you as you consider adding...