Woman with Sheep - Femme au mouton
It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then played the pivotal role of summoning all the Provençal villagers to the manger.
Enjoy our blog entry on the Shepherd who is considered to be the No. 1 "Essential" Santons for a Provençal creche.
Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1 inch - 2.5 cm size)
Made in France
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Lemon Merchant - Marchande de citrons Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1 inch - 2.5 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel...
Gypsy - Bohemienne - Gypsy Woman with Child The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to...
Gypsy - Gitane New 2003 The gypsies (known to the Provencaux as Bohemiens), of swarthy complexion, live a nomadic life trying to make a living. ...