Bartholomew - Bartoumieu
The village innkeeper with a tendency to get a little too tipsy from time to time. He is one of the most loved and comical characters of the Provençal nativity. He traditionally brings cod (essential to theProvençal dish l'aioli) and baskets of food to the Christ Child. In his hurry, he has hastily dressed and his clothing is in a bit of disarray.
Enjoy our blog entry on Bartholomew, who is considered to be the No. 11 "Essential" Santons for a Provençal creche.
Provençal Figurines by C. Galtier and E. Cattin, translated by John Lee (Editions Ouest-France, 13 rue du Breil, Rennes, 1996) provides a list of the top 20 Santons "essential" to the Provençal creche.
Size #3 / Grande (the 3-1/2 inch - 9 cm size)
Made in France
Item No. 3C15
$88.95 $78.95
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