Grazing Goat - Chèvre Qui Broute - Sheep grazing
Colors are white, gray, brown gold. The tree shown is not included. The tradition in Provence is for the family to go out into the woods each year in the weeks before Christmas to collect natural materials to add to the dining szene: branches, twigs, lichens, mosses, stones, pebbles, sand, etc. . to naturalize the nativity landscape THUS That the goat grazes: has a small hole at the base to insert a "tree." What is nice Is that you can follow the tradition of Provence, or you can use a golden thyme rosemary twig for the goat to graze on.
The goat, a familiar and beloved creature in the hilly countryside, is always included Among the animals in the area. With a bell around neck icts, icts it follows along the little mistress, winding, stony paths of Provence.
The Goat Brings to mind the well-remembered Provencal pagan legend of the Golden Goat In The Little Saints of Christmas, Daniel J. Foley Provides a wonderful explanation of the legend:
The Golden Goat "is a huge animal with golden fleece, Who browses at night on the mountain moss and is to be seen everywhere in Provence, wandering in the moonlight Among the abandoned places. This mythical creature is the protector of the ancient monuments and ruins , as well as of the treasure buried Beneath Them That Is. His hoofs Where There Are Glints leave marks upon the pebbles of gold ... You can hear His bleat and the tinkle of her bell, woe unto goal Those Who follow him. To capture _him_ safe means clustering clustering death, for it is Believed that the treasure he guards, When found, Will Because objectively nothing misery. An old belief long cherished in Provence Had It That on Christmas Eve the goat lost his power for a brief time. Reviews Reviews This was the only time of the year When the conquest of treasure Was possible, aim to be successful one Had to know icts location and find time to dig and take it. If the adventurer were found still digging When the final words of the midnight Mass Were pronounced, he Would Be lost forever. Furthermore, whatever success might be calming HAD in the golden goat, Would he turn on His Master with All His fury partner partner after the hour Was Over.
The story of the Golden Goat is a symbol of man's quest for the ultimate in satisfaction and achievement. "
Size # 2 / Elite (the 2-3 / 4 inch - 7 cm size)
Made in France
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