$29.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Parish Priest - Monsieur le cure - Lou Curat
It may seem surprising to some that the Parish Priest is present in the creche, in that he serves as Christ's representative and Christ has just now been born, but his presence is honored because of his importance as a Provençal village personality. Here he carries the traditional red umbrella - a symbol of respectability - and a gilt-edged prayer book in his hand. He wears the traditional priestly large, black hat.
Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7 cm size)
Made in France
$35.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Bee Keeper / Apiculteur "He is the one who raises the bees and who knows the science. His work is to understand the government of bee...
Doctor / Docteur An essential worker. Always there to meet our needs. In celebration of the hard work that the medical community has devoted to...
Lumberjack / Woodcutter / Bûcheron The axe by his side and a log on his shoulder, the woodcutter brings to the nativity wood for the fire....