Octopus Fisherman - Pécheur au poulpe
New 2014
The Fisherman is number 16 on the list of the top 20 Essential Santons for a Provençal Creche . He is a pivotal figure in Provence, whether he works with his nets in the sea, or, as an angler, casting his pole into a local stream. As a Santon, his origin is in the early nativity plays and creche-parlant. Foremost, he is a classic figure of the Port of Marseille and its very important fishing trade of the Mediterranean. Fish, whether freshwater or from the sea, are basic to the Provençal diet.
Enjoy our blog post on the significance of the Fisherman.
Provençal Figurines by C. Galtier and E. Cattin, translated by John Lee (Editions Ouest-France, 13 rue du Breil, Rennes, 1996) provides a list of the top 20 Santons "essential" to the Provençal creche.
Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7 cm size)
Made in France
Item No. 2C228
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