Young & Old Woman from Arles on a Bench - Jeune et Vielle Arlésiennes Assises
The young and Old Women from Arles, sit together on a stone bench; they are from well-to-do farming stock.
The young woman's hair is distinctive, as is the fashion of Arles, brushed back into a bun and covered with white muslin tied round with an embroidered ribbon held in place by gold pins. She holds a bunch of flowers which she will present to Jesus. Dressed in the traditional 19th century costume of the Arles region, she wears a white embroidered shawl and a dress with a full skirt. The richness of her costume is indicative of Arles, an ancient town of art and culture and an important center of Provençal traditions. She is said to represent Mireille, the heroine of Frederic Mistral's poem of the early 19th century, Mireille.
The old woman wears black and white, with her large, black woolen shawl, and the headdress of the older women of the Arles region.
New 2004
Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7 cm size)
Made in France
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