Parish Priest - Monsieur le cure - Lou Curat - Wiping His Brow
It may seem surprising to some that the Parish Priest is present in the creche, in that he serves as Christ's representative and Christ has just now been born, but his presence is honored because of his importance as a Provençal village personality. Here he wears the traditional black cassock and wipes his forehead with a large red and white handkerchief.
Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7 cm size)
Made in France
Monk - Moine - Moueine The Monk belongs to an established Christian order. Merry and kind, he is a more popular character than the Parish...
$29.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Parish Priest - Monsieur le cure - Lou Curat It may seem surprising to some that the Parish Priest is present in the creche, in that he...
$29.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Praying Man - Prieur - Pregaire The Praying Man has taken off his wide-brimmed hat and set the basket of fruit that he has gathered...