Miller - Meunier
The Miller always wears his white cotton cap (a symbol of his trade). Known for his laziness and by the name Langesse, he provides the flour for the daily bread and, thus, is truly important to all in the village. He is said by some to have been among the first to hear the angels call. He hurries to the stable with a large sack of flour on his back to give to Mary.
Enjoy our blog entry on the Miller who is considered to be the No. 6 "Essential" Santons for a Provençal creche.
Provençal Figurines by C. Galtier and E. Cattin, translated by John Lee (Editions Ouest-France, 13 rue du Breil, Rennes, 1996) provides a list of the top 20 Santons "essential" to the Provençal creche.
Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7 cm size)
Made in France
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