Woman with a Cradle - Femme au berceau - Fremo eme lou bres A midwife (known as Martoune) brings to the baby Jesus a cradle so...
Woman with a Drum - Femme tambourinaire New 2001 The woman with the drum, like the man with the drum, is a popular figure in...
Woman with a Foot Warmer - Femme à la chaufferette - Fremo eme l'escaufeto The Woman with a Foot Warmer is one of the characters cherished for...
Woman with a Goat - Femme a la chèvre - Fremo eme la cabro This peasant woman with her goat is ideally placed near a herd of...
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Woman with a Ham - Femme au jambon - Fremo eme lou cambajoun This peasant woman brings an offering to the Infant Jesus of a...
$29.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Woman with a Barrel / Keg - Femme au tonnelet - Fremo eme lou touneloun This peasant woman brings a keg of wine and a bundle of...
Woman with a Medieval String Instrument - Homme a la vielle - Vielaire This street musician, the Woman with a Medieval String Instrument (also referred to as a...
Woman with a Pitcher - Femme à la cruche - Fremo eme la douergo A young woman carrying a pitcher / jug of water on her...
Woman with a Rabbit - Femme au lapin - Fremo eme lou lapin The Woman with a Rabbit is a countrywoman and she brings the...
Woman with a Stove - Femme au fourneau - la Femo dou caufet There was a time when the Woman with a Stove was commonly present...
Women with Aioli (garlic mayonnaise) - Femme à l'aioli - Fremo eme l'aioli This charming old woman sits on a small stone bench preparing the garlicky mayonnaise,...
Woman with an Earthenware Jar - Femma à la jarre - Fremo la jarro This peasant woman brings olive oil in her earthenware jar. The...
Woman with an Oil Lamp - Femme au calen - Fremo eme lou calen The old, bent Woman with an Oil Lamp, lights her way...
Woman with Cabbage and Garlic - Femme au chou et a l'ail The Woman with Cabbage and Garlic – Femme au chou et a l’ail...
Woman with Codfish - Femme aux morue The Woman with Codfish sells her wares - with a basket filled with cod on her head, a...
Woman selling cheese - Femme à la brousse - Fremo di brousso A peasant woman brings her basket of cheese and a small copper trumpet...
Woman with Lavender - Femme à la lavande - Fremo eme lalavando The peasant woman, the Woman with Lavender, brings a bouquet of lavender to...
Woman with Soap - Femme aux savons The soap peddler brought to the creche soap from Marseille (Savon de Marseille) a traditionally hard soap made...