Pistachie - Pistachié He wears a cotton cap and has evidently dressed rather quickly as his trousers are held up by a single strap of...
Poet - Felibré - Felibren The word "Felibré" (a Provençal word meaning pupil or follower) was created in 1854 near Avignon by Fredric Mistral and...
Praying Man - Prieur - Pregaire The Praying Man has taken off his wide-brimmed hat and set the pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) that he has gathered as...
Praying Woman - Prieuse - Pregueiris The Praying Woman has set the basket of fruit and fougasse (a traditional flat, round cake pierced with irregular holes...
Provençal Dancer - Danseur provençal With dark or light colored vest. Wearing traditional, colorful attire, the Provençal dancers gaily step to the music of the...
Provencal dancer (female) - Danseuse provencal reverence Wearing traditional, colorful attire, the Provençal dancers gaily step to the music of the traditional Provençal Tambourines (drums) and...
Ribbon Merchant - Woman Selling Ribbons - Femme aux rubans This tradeswoman sells her treasured ribbons on the street and in the local markets. Size #3...
Rooster - Coq - Lou Gau An essential member of the farmyard animals. Size #3 / Grande (the 3-1/2 inch - 9 cm size) Made in France __________...
Rural Policeman - Garde champêtre - Gardi The village policeman announces the news (a town crier) and keeps the people informed of the laws of the land. He...
Berger from Arles - Berger d'Arles It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then played...
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Shepherdess with a Lamb - Bergère au seau The Angel first announced the birth of the Saviour to the Shepherds. The Shepherds were the first to...
Shepherdess with cape - Bergère à la cape The Angel first announced the birth of the Saviour to the Shepherds. The Shepherds were the first...
Stable ruins - Étable en ruine New 2007 The open architecture shows off all the figures in the stable 18" wide / 10" deep / 6-1/2" high...
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Courtyard Stable - Êtable Preau The Courtyard Stable allows an open view of figures lit by the stable's natural skylight. The Courtyard Stable measures: 9-1/2"...
Ruins Stable plus - Etable en ruines no. 3 bis Open architecture is the perfect display for the Holy Family, animals, and more... 18" wide...
Standing sheep - Mouton debout Led to new pastures by the Shepherds, Sheep are a symbol of innocence. Size #3 / Grande (the 3-1/2 inch - 9 cm...
The Mayor - Monsieur le Maire - Moussu lou Conse The Mayor is the head of the village council. He is the only leading citizen joining...
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The Old Couple - Couple de Vieux. The Old Couple, the plump, elderly man and woman, walk slowly and with tenderness, arm-in-arm, to the crib....
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Tramp - Vagabond - Lou Patiarie A beggar, the tramp roams from village to village, helping himself along the way with a "cane" crafted from stick. He...
Victorine (Young Girl with her Doll) - Victorine (petite fille a la poupee) Yellow, blue or purple jumper New 2013 Size #3 / Grande (the 3-1/2 inch...
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Vincent the Basketmaker - Vincent le vannier - Vanie Vincent the Basketmaker is doubly important. He represents the important basket-making trade in Provence and Vincent, a specific character...
Vintner - Wine Maker - Vigneron - Vigneroun The Wine Maker cultivates grapevines and produces wine. He wears a big, straw hat for shade, a knotted scarf...
Washerwoman - Bugadiere - la Bugadiero The Washerwoman holds a basket of washing against her hip and a washboard in one hand. She traditionally uses...
Washerwoman / Laveuse / Bugadière - La Bugadiero Washing her linen at the side of the river, the washerwoman wears a headdress to shade herself from the...
Well - Puits avec margelle The Puits avec margelle is a well with a ledge (margelle) wide enough to rest one's water pitchers and buckets....
White King - Roi Blanc The White King is one of the Three Wise Men - High Priests of the Mazdean (Zoroastrian) religion, referred to as the...
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Windmill - Moulin a Vent Windmills were essential to the entire village - devoted to the task of grinding the villager's wheat into flour. Many place the Miller next to...
Woman from Arles Wearing Cape - Arlésienne à la cape The young Woman from Arles Wearing a Cape is from well-to-do farming stock. Her hair...
Woman from Auvergne - Auvergnate The Woman from Auvergne is dressed in traditional costume, including an embroidered apron and a headdress that varies depending on the region....
Woman in Awe - Femme ravie - "The Delighted One" The Man in Awe (often represented in a creche scene together with the Woman in Awe or...
Woman Knitting - Tricoteuse - La Tricoutarello Sitting on a stone wall and keeping an eye on the barnyard animals as she busily knits, the...
Woman on a donkey - Femme sur l'âne - Margarido Stemming from the early Christmas play, the Pastorale of Antoine Maurel, Margarido and her husband, Mr. Jourdan, are symbols...
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Woman Spinning Wool - Fileuse The Woman Spinning Wool - La Fileuse (French) - La Fielarello (Provencaux) is number 17 on the list of the top 20...
Woman with a Baby - Femme au bebé - la Femo a l'enfant The Woman with a Baby, a wet nurse, comes to the Manger...
Woman with a Bed Warmer - Femme à la bassinoire - Fremo eme l'escaufo-lie Among those creche figures stemming from the old Creche-Parlante (itinerant/travelling, puppet-shows, also known as...
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Woman with a Bundle of Sticks - Femme au fagots The Woman with a Bundle of Sticks – Femme au fagots (French) – La Vieio...
Woman with a Chicken - Femme à la poule - Fremo eme la galino A peasant matron, the Woman with a Chicken offers a black...
Woman with a Cradle - Femme au berceau - Fremo eme lou bres A midwife (known as Martoune) brings to the baby Jesus a cradle so...
Woman with a Drum - Femme tambourinaire The woman with the drum, like the man with the drum, is a popular figure in the world...
Woman with a Foot Warmer - Femme à la chaufferette - Fremo eme l'escaufeto The Woman with a Foot Warmer is one of the characters cherished for...
Woman with a Goat - Femme a la chèvre - Fremo eme la cabro This peasant woman with her goat is ideally placed near a herd of...
Woman with a Barrel / Keg - Femme au tonnelet - Fremo eme lou touneloun This peasant woman brings a keg of wine and a bundle of...
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Woman with a Medieval String Instrument - Homme a la vielle - Vielaire This street musician, the Woman with a Medieval String Instrument (also referred to as a...
Woman with a Pitcher - Femme à la cruche - Fremo eme la douergo A young woman carrying a pitcher / jug of water on her...
Woman with a Pumpkin - Femme à la courge - Fremo eme la cougourdo This peasant woman brings an offering of a large "potiron," or...
Woman with a Rabbit - Femme au lapin - Fremo eme lou lapin The Woman with a Rabbit is a countrywoman and she brings the...
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Women with Aioli (garlic mayonnaise) - Femme à l'aioli - Fremo eme l'aioli This charming old woman sits on a small stone bench preparing the garlicky mayonnaise,...
Woman with an Earthenware Jar - Femma à la jarre - Fremo la jarro This peasant woman brings olive oil in her earthenware jar. The...