Man with a Turkey - Homme à la dinde - Ome eme la dindo
The Man with a Turkey is renown for his jovial ways and proudly brings to the creche a fine turkey and a basket filled with fresh eggs. The turkey, like the goose, is a considered to be special fare and commonly reserved for festivities, especially Christmas.
Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1 inch - 2.5 cm size)
Made in France
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Lemon Merchant - Marchande de citrons Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1 inch - 2.5 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel...
Mr. Jourdan - Monsieur Jourdan Stemming from the early Christmas play, the Pastorale of Antoine Maurel, Mr. Jourdan and his wife Margarido are symbols of the...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Fisherman with Line - Pécheur à la ligne The Fisherman is number 16 on the list of the top 20 Essential Santons for a Provençal Creche . He...