The Slumber Vault - storage box - a tailor-made place to keep your Wendt & Kühn Grunhainichen Angels, especially the Wendt & Kühn orchestra angels.
18 inches wide x 12 inches deep and 4 inches presentation high-quality cardboard. Sealed at the factory. New Vault design as of 2012.
Collect 36 angels with compartments of various sizes, including a larger compartment to accommodate the grand piano. Grunhainichen Angels - stand alone and ornaments - are pictured along all four sides of the vault.
The perfect place to store and protect your prized Wendt and Kühn Angel collection.
WK# 650/SK3
Made in Germany
Wendt and Kühn classic, delicate, small Angel with Doll in a Ring / COMING AUGUST 2025 PRICING IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME 2" tall...
Angel on a Comet with Concertina / COMING AUGUST 2025 PRICING IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME 2-1/2" tall WK no. 650/70/78 with a Wendt and...
Clip-on Angel with Gingerbread / COMING AUGUST 2025 PRICING IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME 2-1/4" tall Clip-on your Christmas Tree or Wreath, a napkin...