$7.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Village Scene with Woodland Animals and Dwarfs Advent Calendar with mailing envelope
24 doors to open, one each day of December until Christmas
8 x 12"
Made in Germany by Richard Sellmer Verlag
No. ADV66
Wooden Santa Jumping Jack 10.5" tall From the Spielwarenmacher (Toymaker) Günther Workshop of Seiffen - over one hundred years old - Since 1914. Made in Germany
For your child's - stocking - or to add to your nativity scene - this 3-1/4" wooden tree, with bird perched on top, whistles when...
$60.45 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
A very special wooden Christmas tree finial / tree topper from the Erzgebirge - a Spanbaum (shaved tree) for the top of your tree. With a star...