Woman from Alsace - Alsacienne The Woman from Alsace is in her traditional costume. "The women’s costume consisted of a large, long-sleeved cotton blouse, a...
Woman from Arles - Arlesienne The young Woman from Arles is from well-to-do farming stock. Her hair is distinctive, as is the fashion of Arles,...
Woman from Arles - Arlésienne The young Woman from Arles is from well-to-do farming stock. Her hair is distinctive, as is the fashion of Arles,...
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Woman from Arles - Arlésienne The young Woman from Arles is from well-to-do farming stock. Her hair is distinctive, as is the fashion of Arles,...
Woman from Arles Farandole Dancer - Farandole (Arles) With a purple, blue, or yellow dress. It is said that the Farandole Dance was first created to...
Woman from Arles Wearing Cape - Arlésienne à la cape The young Woman from Arles Wearing a Cape is from well-to-do farming stock. Her hair...
Woman from Arles Wearing Cape - Arlésienne à la cape The young Woman from Arles Wearing a Cape is from well-to-do farming stock. Her hair...
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Woman from Auvergne - Auvergnate The Woman from Auvergne is dressed in traditional costume, including an embroidered apron and a headdress that varies depending on the region....
Woman from Auvergne - Auvergnate The Woman from Auvergne is dressed in traditional costume, including an embroidered apron and a headdress that varies depending on the region....
Woman from Brittany - Bigoudene Traditional Breton costume is worn today during religious festivals known as pardons. The Woman from Brittany is in traditional dress. "Brittany boasts...
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Woman from Nice - Nicoise The Woman from Nice in her traditional costume. Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7 cm size) Made...
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Woman from Normandy - Normande The Woman from Normandy is in traditional costume, with her distinctive headware. Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7...
Woman from Pont-Aven (Brittany) - Pont-Aven Traditional Breton costume is worn today during religious festivals known as pardons. The Woman from Pont-Aven (Brittany) is in...
Woman in Awe - Femme ravie - "The Delighted One" The Man in Awe (often represented in a creche scene together with the Woman in Awe or...
Woman in Awe - Femme ravie - "The Delighted One" The Man in Awe (often represented in a creche scene together with the Woman in Awe or...
Woman Knitting - Tricoteuse - La Tricoutarello Sitting on a stone wall and keeping an eye on the barnyard animals as she busily knits, the...
Woman Knitting - Tricoteuse - La Tricoutarello Sitting on a stone wall and keeping an eye on the barnyard animals as she busily knits, the...
Woman Knitting - Tricoteuse - La Tricoutarello Sitting on a stone wall and keeping an eye on the barnyard animals as she busily knits, the...
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Woman on a Donkey - Femme sur l'âne - Margarido Stemming from the early Christmas play, the Pastorale of Antoine Maurel, Margarido and her husband, Mr. Jourdan,...
Woman on a donkey - Femme sur l'âne - Margarido Stemming from the early Christmas play, the Pastorale of Antoine Maurel, Margarido and her husband, Mr. Jourdan, are symbols...
Woman on a donkey - Femme sur l'âne - Margarido Stemming from the early Christmas play, the Pastorale of Antoine Maurel, Margarido and her husband, Mr. Jourdan,...
Woman spinning wool - Fileuse The Woman Spinning Wool - La Fileuse (French) – La Fielarello (Provençaux) on her distaff is number 17 on the list of the...
Woman Spinning Wool - Fileuse The Woman Spinning Wool - La Fileuse (French) – La Fielarello (Provençaux) on her distaff is number 17 on the list of the...
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Woman Spinning Wool - Fileuse The Woman Spinning Wool - La Fileuse (French) - La Fielarello (Provencaux) is number 17 on the list of the top 20...
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Woman Spinning Wool - Fileuse The Woman Spinning Wool - La Fileuse (French) – La Fielarello (Provençaux) on her distaff is number 17 on the list of the...
Woman with a Pumpkin - Femme à la courge - Fremo eme la cougourdo This peasant woman brings an offering of a large "potiron," or...
Woman with Cabbage and Garlic - Femme au chou et a l'ail The Woman with Cabbage and Garlic – Femme au chou et a l’ail...
Woman with Snails - Femme aux limaçons - Marchando de limacoun The snail merchant, the Woman with Snails, brings to the creche her earthenware pot of limacons...
Woman with a Baby - Femme au bebé - la Femo a l'enfant The Woman with a Baby, a wet nurse, comes to the Manger...
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Woman with a Baby - Femme au bebé - la Femo a l'enfant The Woman with a Baby, a wet nurse, comes to the Manger...
Woman with a Baby - Femme au bebé - la Femo a l'enfant The Woman with a Baby, a wet nurse, comes to the Manger...
Woman with a Bed Warmer - Femme à la bassinoire Among those creche figures stemming from the old Creche-Parlante (itinerant/travelling, puppet-shows, also known as the "speaking creche") and...
Woman with a Bed Warmer - Femme à la bassinoire - Fremo eme l'escaufo-lie Among those creche figures stemming from the old Creche-Parlante (itinerant/travelling, puppet-shows, also known as...
Woman with a Bed Warmer - Femme à la bassinoire - Fremo eme l'escaufo-lie Among those creche figures stemming from the old Creche-Parlante (itinerant/travelling, puppet-shows, also known as...
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Woman with a Bundle of Sticks - Femme au fagots The Woman with a Bundle of Sticks – Femme au fagots (French) – La Vieio...
Woman with a Bundle of Sticks - Femme au fagots The Woman with a Bundle of Sticks – Femme au fagots (French) – La Vieio...
$36.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Woman with a Bundle of Sticks - Femme au fagots The Woman with a Bundle of Sticks – Femme au fagots (French) – La Vieio...
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Woman with a Bundle of Sticks - Femme au fagots The Woman with a Bundle of Sticks – Femme au fagots (French) – La Vieio...
Woman with a Chicken - Femme à la poule - Fremo eme la galino A peasant matron, the Woman with a Chicken offers a black...
Woman with a Chicken - Femme à la poule - Fremo eme la galino A peasant matron, the Woman with a Chicken offers a black...
Woman with a Chicken - Femme à la poule - Fremo eme la galino A peasant matron, the Woman with a Chicken offers a black...
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Woman with a Cradle - Femme au berceau - Fremo eme lou bres A midwife (known as Martoune) brings to the baby Jesus a cradle so...
Woman with a Cradle - Femme au berceau - Fremo eme lou bres A midwife (known as Martoune) brings to the baby Jesus a cradle so...
Woman with a Cradle - Femme au berceau - Fremo eme lou bres A midwife (known as Martoune) brings to the baby Jesus a cradle so...
Woman with a Drum - Femme tambourinaire New 2001 The woman with the drum, like the man with the drum, is a popular figure in...
Woman with a Drum - Femme tambourinaire The woman with the drum, like the man with the drum, is a popular figure in the world...
Woman with a Foot Warmer - Femme à la chaufferette - Fremo eme l'escaufeto The Woman with a Foot Warmer is one of the characters cherished for...
Woman with a Foot Warmer - Femme à la chaufferette - Fremo eme l'escaufeto The Woman with a Foot Warmer is one of the characters cherished for...