Woman with Lavender - Femme à la lavande - Fremo eme lalavando
The peasant woman, the Woman with Lavender, brings a bouquet of lavender to the creche. She holds a billhook in her other hand, with which she has freshly cut her offering. She wears a white headdress with long strings and a traditional brown straw hat held by a black ribbon to shade herself from the sun.
Lavender is the "flower of Provence" -
Lavender and Provence simply go together, thus the importance the Woman with Lavender brings to the creche.
The billhook is a traditional cutting tool used widely for cutting smaller woody material such as shrubs and branches. It is very commonly used in southern Europe.
New 2013
Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1 inch - 2.5 cm size)
Made in France
$22.95 - Out of Stock - Coming Soon
Lemon Merchant - Marchande de citrons Size Puce (Flea) / Chip (the 1 inch - 2.5 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel...
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