Lavender Gatherer - Ramasseur de lavande The Lavender Gatherer cuts lavender for his customers. Lavender is the "flower of Provence" Lavender and Provence simply go...
Advent Mary on Donkey - Marie sur l'âne Advent Mary sits atop her donkey as she and Joseph take the long trip from Galilee to...
$88.95 $78.95
SPECIAL! Reduced Price when you purchase these two pieces together. Advent Set: Mary on Donkey and Joseph Walking. Advent Joseph walks alongside Mary atop a donkey as they take...
Advent Walking Joseph - Saint-Joseph en marche Advent Joseph walks alongside Mary atop a donkey as they take the long trip from Galilee to Nazareth into Judea to...
Almond Tree / Amandier - 6 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Almond tree grows to around 30'...
Angel - Ange. The Angel symbolizes God in the eyes of Jesus and announces Christ's birth, first to the Shepherds of Provence. Size #2 / Elite (the...
$29.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Angler - Pêcheur à la ligne The Fisherman is number 16 on the list of the top 20 Essential Santons for a Provençal Creche . He is a...
Apple Tree / Pommier - 3-1/2 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel Since...
Apple Tree / Pommier - 4.75 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel Since...
Baker - Boulanger The baker, a happy soul, with his linen pants, spotless apron, and cotton cap, carries a gift of a basket of the...
Bartholomew - Bartoumieu The village innkeeper with a tendency to get a little too tipsy from time to time. He is one of the most...
$35.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Bee Keeper / Apiculteur "He is the one who raises the bees and who knows the science. His work is to understand the government of bee...
$10.50 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Bee Keepers Hive Square - Red / La ruche de l'apiculteur Hives were historically made in different models. Some were built with chestnut planks, others were...
Bee Keepers Hive Traditional / La ruche de l'apiculteur Hives were historically made in different models. Some were built with chestnut planks, others were made from a...
Black King with Incense - Roi Noir The Black King is one of the Three Wise Men - High Priests of the Mazdean (Zoroastrian) religion, referred...
Blacksmith - Marechal ferrant The Blacksmith, a farrier, tends to the care of horses' hooves and placing shoes on their hooves. He combines blacksmith skills...
Blind Man and His Son - Aveugle et son Fils In rural Provence the blind man became a symbol of humility and patience. He walks with...
Bridge - Pont Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7 cm size) Made in France __________ Santons Marcel Carbonel Since 1935 The Premier...
$44.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Bull from Camargue - Taureau Camarquais "In the Camargue, bulls and horses live in semi-freedom, generally in herds, called "manades" which the herdsmen follow on horse. The word for...
Camel - Chameau - Cameu Blankets are green, blue, purple, or red The Santon camel is a dromedary camel (one-humped) of Arabian origin as opposed...
Camel driver - Chamelier The Three Kings had numerous camel drivers who were responsible for driving and tending the camels as well as watching over...
$10.50 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Cat - Chat - lou Cat Grey or Orange Tabby An essential member of the farmyard animals. Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7...
Chestnut Merchant - Marchand de Marrons This street vendor, roasts and sells his chestnuts all over France - from Paris to the smaller towns and...
Chestnut Tree / Chataignier - 9-1/4 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Chestnut tree grows to 40-80 feet - hoping this may help...
Chick - Poussin - Baby chick An essential member of the farmyard animals. Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4 inch - 7 cm size) Made...
Chicken - Poule - li Galino Standing Colors are white, red, black, or grey An essential member of the farmyard animals. Size #2 / Elite (the...
Chicken Pecking - Poule Picorante - li Galino Pecking Colors are white, red, black, or grey An essential member of the farmyard animals. Size #2 /...
$29.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Chicoulet - Chicoulet Chicoulet is the son of the Blind Man. Chicoulet's father, the Blind Man, and brother, Simoun, go to the stable to celebrate...
Chimney Sweep - Ramoneur - Ramounaire The Chimney Sweep is a young man who comes from the mountains of the Gavot region (a region of Provence...
$36.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Cobbler - Savetier - Groulie The Cobbler sits on a small stool, holding his hammer, he repairs boots and shoes - slipping them onto a...
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Comtadine (from the Comte d'Avignon) with Fruit - Comtadine aux fruits - Coumtadino A native of Comtat Venaissin (an area near Avignon), the Comtadine with...
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Cooper - Tonnelier - Barrelie The Cooper is hard at work, a mallet in his hand, making barrels to be filled with olives and wine....
Corsican Peasant - Paysan corse The Corsican Peasant, here with his rifle, and in traditional Corsican dress, is one of 3 figures Carbonel has created...
$29.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Corsican Woman with a Pitcher - Corse à la cruche A young Corsican woman carrying a pitcher / jug of water on her head (an ancient...
Corsican Woman with Bucket - Corse au baquet The Corsican Woman with Bucket in traditional Corsican dress, is one of 3 figures Carbonel has created representing...
$42.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Couple from Brittany - Couple Bretons The couple from Brittany are in traditional dress. Traditional Breton costume is worn today during religious festivals known as...
$46.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Couple on a Bench - Couple sur le banc The Old Couple - the plump, elderly man and woman sit on a bench wearing their...
Couple under Umbrella - Couple Sous le Parapluie - Souto lou paro-pluejo The Couple under the Umbrella represent middle-class prosperity. He is dressed in his...
$139.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Courtyard Stable - Êtable Preau The Courtyard Stable allows an open view of figures lit by the stable's natural skylight. The Courtyard Stable measures: 9-1/2"...
$48.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Cowherd on Horse - Gardian à cheval - Gardian The Gardian sits proudly on his magnificent white horse - riding along with his bulls, or...
$64.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Cowherd on Horse - Gardian avec Arlesienne à cheval The Gardian sits proudly on his magnificent white horse - riding along with his bulls, or dressed...
Tree - Cyprès sur soucle Cypress trees are one of Provence's symbols. There is a Provence tradition for landlords to plant one cypress tree by their gate to...
Cypress Tree / Cyprès - 8-1/4 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Cypress tree grows to 50-80 feet - hoping this may help you as...
Cypress Tree / Cyprès - 5 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Cypress tree grows to 50-80 feet - hoping this may help...
$33.95 - Out of Stock - More Coming
Cypress Tree / Cyprès - 7 inches Made of wood and wood chips on a clay pedestal. The Cypress tree grows to 50-80 feet - hoping this may help you as...
Dairymaid - Laitiêre The young peasant dairymaid (who held a lower standing socio-economically than the Fishwife) went from house to house selling her milk, carrying...
Doctor / Docteur An essential worker. Always there to meet our needs. In celebration of the hard work that the medical community has devoted to...
Dog - Dog - li Chin / Terrier The Sheepdog is a faithful companion, herder efficient, and guardian of the flock. He has a little bell...