Man with Fruit - Homme aux fruits - Ome eme li fru The Man with Fruit brings to the stable an impressive basket literally filled...
Man with Jugs / Pitchers - Homme aux Cruches The potter arrives at the stable with an offering of his wares - jugs / pitchers charmingly hung...
Man with Mulled Wine - Homme au vin cuit - Ome eme lou vin cute This peasant man brings to the stable a big, wicker-covered, glass...
Marius - Marius - Marius Marius was inspired by the 1872 Alphonse Daudet hero Tartarin de Tarascon. He is more than easy going, always telling tall...
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Market Gardener - Maraicher The Market Gardener, surrounded by his fruits and vegetables, is the typical peasant who sells his wares at the local Provençal...
Miller - Meunier The Miller always wears his white cotton cap (a symbol of his trade). Known for his laziness and by the name Langesse,...
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Miner - Mineur The Miner - a figure requested of the Carbonel Studios by the Coal Mines of Provence. Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4...
Monk - Moine - Moueine The Monk belongs to an established Christian order. Merry and kind, he is a more popular character than the Parish...
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Mr. Jourdan - Monsieur Jourdan Stemming from the early Christmas play, the Pastorale of Antoine Maurel, Mr. Jourdan and his wife Margarido are symbols of the...
Notary - Notaire The Notary is dressed in formal attire, as attests the stature of his position. New 2011 Size #2 / Elite (the 2-3/4...
Octopus Fisherman - Pécheur au poulpe New 2014 The Fisherman is number 16 on the list of the top 20 Essential Santons for a Provençal Creche . He...
Old Shepherd - Berger vieux It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then played the...
Parish Priest - Monsieur le cure - Lou Curat - Wiping His Brow It may seem surprising to some that the Parish Priest is present in the...
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Parish Priest - Monsieur le cure - Lou Curat It may seem surprising to some that the Parish Priest is present in the creche, in that he...
Pistachie - Pistachié He wears a cotton cap and has evidently dressed rather quickly as his trousers are held up by a single strap of...
Poet - Felibré - Felibren The word "Felibré" (a Provençal word meaning pupil or follower) was created in 1854 near Avignon by Fredric Mistral and...
Porter - Portefaix. A dock worker, he handles the baggage on the dock. Essential to commerce, historically the dock worker enjoys significant stature. New...
Potter - Potier The potter selling his wares at market - pottery was the specialty of Aubagne, a small town in Provence near Marseille. New 1990 Size #2...
Praying Man - Prieur - Pregaire The Praying Man has taken off his wide-brimmed hat and set the basket of fruit that he has gathered...
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Rural Policeman - Garde champêtre - Gardi The village policeman announces the news (a town crier) and keeps the people informed of the laws of the land. He...
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Sailor - Marin - Marin The Sailor is important to the Santons creche as he symbolizes the importance of Provence's seacoast. His costume, in fact, has...
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Salt Tax Collector - Paludier The Salt Tax Collector of the Camargue was very important historically in France. They were abolished in 1791, yet from the...
Seated Fisherman - Pêcheur Assis The Fisherman is number 16 on the list of the top 20 Essential Santons for a Provençal Creche . He is a pivotal...
Sleeping Shepherd - Berger couché - Scholar - lou Pantaiaire It would appear that the Sleeping Shepherd was not amongst the Shepherds who were the...
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St. Francis of Assisi - Saint-Francois d'Assisé Saint Francis of Assisi is considered to be the Father of the Nativity Scene. Saint Francis of Assisi is...
The Mayor - Monsieur le Maire - Moussu lou Conse The Mayor is the head of the village council. He is the only leading citizen joining...
Camel driver - Chamelier The Three Kings had numerous camel drivers who were responsible for driving and tending the camels as well as watching over...
Tinsmith - Étameur - L'Estama A travelling tradesman, the Tinsmith announces his services in ringing tones with the call in the Provençaux language: "estama casseirolo!"...
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Tramp - Vagabond - Lou Patiarie A beggar, the tramp roams from village to village, helping himself along the way with a "cane" crafted from stick. He...
Vincent the Basketmaker - Vincent le vannier - Vanie Vincent the Basketmaker is doubly important. He represents the important basket-making trade in Provence and Vincent, a specific character...
Vintner - Wine Maker - Vigneron - Vigneroun The Wine Maker cultivates grapevines and produces wine. He wears a big, straw hat for shade, a knotted scarf...
Young Shepherd - Berger appuyé jeune It was to the Shepherd that the Angel came to announce the birth of Jesus. The Shepherd then played...
Lavender Gatherer - Ramasseur de lavande The Lavender Gatherer cuts lavender for his customers. Lavender is the "flower of Provence" Lavender and Provence simply go...